Gen Z

Diatelle Poem



Don’t fret

Nor forget

You created

Relentless internet

Jobs that folks do not tolerate

For having a life that’s not exhaustive

From nine to five and does not require degrees

Because life is more than one that’s wasted

On passions being neglected

Constant feeling of dread

Never ahead

Don’t regret

You led


This poem was challenging for me to write since I mainly write free from poetry. I did have a lot of fun pushing myself to finish this.

This poem was inspired because Gen Z gets a lot of push back on how they are but they grew up in this digital time unwillingly and just like any other generation they took off with what they had. Let's give them more grace for the world we are all trying to catch up with and learn.

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Latriece Gresham

Jesus Lover * Poet * Public Speaker * Haiku Lover * Spoken Word Artist * Masters in ABA *